Seahouses Youth Project
The Project offers a wide range of opportunities for young people between the ages of 8 and 25 of Seahouses and the surrounding area.
We aim to:
- Provide safe, secure, happy environments for young people to meet and learn in informal settings.
- Offer support and guidance without distinction of sexual, political, religious or other opinion.
- Enable young people to access information and advice on issues important to them.
- Offer informal social education opportunities in a non judgemental way.
- All projects/sessions are run by enthusiastic experienced youth workers.
Youth Club
Seahouses Youth Club is a safe place for children to come, have fun, try new things and socialise with friends.
We are on Tuesdays during school term 4.30pm – 6.30pm (timings subject to change) for year groups 4,5,6 & 7
Seahouses Young Adventurers
Young Adventurers is a project built for 13 to 18 year olds. It is a chance for young people to take part in fun activities outdoors that are both physically and mentally challenging. We have a mix of adventurous sports and conservation activities.
Since the year 2005 Seahouses Youth Drop In has received funding from the following Trusts and Organisations:
- Northern Rock Foundation
- European GOLD Fund
- Sir James Knott Trust
- The Joicey Trust
- 1989 Willan Trust
- Berwick-Upon-Tweed Borough Council
- Seahouses and District Rotary Club
- Northumberland County Council
- The Dulverton Trust
- Lord Crewe’s Charity
- The Community Foundation
- Local Network Fund
- Children in Need
You can contact Seahouses Youth Project:
The Hub
Seahouses Sports & Community Centre
Stone Close
NE68 7YL
Telephone: 01665 721868
E mail: