Seahouses Development Trust is a Registered Charity
Charity number 1075610 and a Company Limited by Guarantee. Number 3265921 (England and Wales) and is governed by a memorandum and articles of association. The charity exists for the benefit of the inhabitants of Seahouses and surrounding areas, especially its young people.
The Trust owns and runs Seahouses Luxury Linen Hire Ltd, a social enterprise. All profits made by Seahouses Luxury Line Hire will be reinvested in the community by the Development Trust. This may be through supporting our Youth Project, Community Cinema or sustaining community buildings and the varied services they provide.
The trust seeks to provide a local community organisation with the capacity to create and take opportunities, develop and manage projects, deliver services, and to create sustainable income streams to support these aims, for the social and economic benefit of the area and its inhabitants.
IT will seek to be a focal point for identifying local needs, and then deciding which of these needs it can meet itself. It will also work with other partners, networks and organisations to address needs it cannot meet on its own.
The Trust is currently focusing on three projects and on improving its governances and finances –
- A Youth Project supporting events and activities for young people in the village
- A cinema and entertainment project based in The Hub (Sports and Community Centre)
- An information and office services facility for the community which incorporates a limited replacement library service run in collaboration with Northumberland County Council.